Tuesday, 19 July 2011

This one's for Titfanny

99% of people reading this won't know who this girl is but if you do, I'm sure you'd agree with me when I say she's AWESOME! Just wanted to say I love her and think she's a great person who will achieve everything and anything she wants in life because she's so wonderful and talented. Remember that you little midget!!

Sunday, 17 July 2011

Ed Sheeran - The A Team

Tutti vogliono il mondo, pochi vogliono vivere

The other day I was just talking with some friends and realized how much we all say  the words "I" and "me". I think we must probably say it 1000 times a day. It got me thinking... We're all worried about getting everything we want but we never stop to think about how much we have and how others might not even have half of the things we take for granted. Food for example. No one gives a shit about food and we don't take it much into consideration because well, we have plenty and it's always there. You go into the kitchen and start stuffing your face or just pick up the phone and choose from many different types of food. I know I'm gonna sound like I'm working for "Save the children" or some other peace and love company but it's actually true! If only once a day people could think of others instead of going on with I I I and me me me.... I'm not saying I don't like the materialistic things and all that, I'm just saying that I open my head and also think about what's happening in the rest of the world. I just noticed that we have it all so easy. We have food, clothes, friends, family, money and a roof over our heads but yet we still want more. When the new Gucci collection comes out I want that bag straight away. I mean, who really needs a £950 bag?! Maybe it's just human to want what we can't have and want everything at our feet, but with this mentality, the future generations are gonna be very selfish, arrogant, lazy and let's face it, not a nice group of people... Just stop every now and then and see how many times you say the word I and me in a day and just think of those who have it worst than you. Believe me, if you're reading this, it means you have a computer, an internet connection and hands so think yourself lucky! Peace out brotheeeeers <3

Tuesday, 12 July 2011


Il tempo vola... La gente rompe il cazzo!!

I was just thinking about how much time really does fly. It feels like it was yesterday that I was about to turn 10 but obviously it's almost a decade ago!! Man, we're gonna wake up one day when we're old and not know where our life has gone. For this I always believe in the latin very known quote "carpe diem" because if you go by this saying, you will get the most out of life and it will not go unlived. You should be able to do what you want when you want.... Obviously nothing against the law lol I'm not saying everyone should go round killing people for run or randomly raping people just when you feel like it. I study law, so believe me, I'm pro rules, legislations, civil rights and morals! But what I'm saying is that I think people should be able to do what they want as long as it doesn't involve hurting someone else. The important thing is that you do it because it's what you want to do and it's what you believe in. Unfortunately a lot of times you can't just do what you like because it's not accepted in the eyes of others and bla bla bla. Why do we waste our time and our lives thinking about what others think and making sure we do things only if they're said to be correct and the right thing to do. Who knows what right and wrong is? Who's to tell us how to act and what to say? We're all different human beings with different feelings, different needs and we all act differently so I don't get why people always have to make sure what they're doing is alright with others and with society. If you want to do something just DO IT! If you want to kiss someone just kiss them! Otherwise you'll spend time regreting what would have happened and what could have been.... See what's important to you. You can play it safe and go through life without risks or you can go for it and maybe, just maybe, you get everything. Something to think about. 
Cogli l'attimo