Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Non si sá mai!

You never know what people are thinking and it can be so annoying... I sometimes wish I could read peoples minds but then I also think it could be very awkward! Immagine if you're reading your parents mind and they're thinking about what they'll get up to later on that night. OH GOD how awful!!
It would be cool though at times to know what people are thinking, especially if it's someone you like or if it's during exams if you don't know the answer to a question.. So yeah, I'm writing complete shit but I'm bored and I felt like blogging. Not sure what people would think of my thoughts. Probably that I'm a bit crazy and mad! I'd hate it if someone were able to pick through my thoughts so thank god the mindreading is left to fictional characters such as Edward Cullen!!

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